Tag PC Games

Wartales: Life is like a hurricane, here in Gosenberg

I picked up Wartales on Steam a week or so ago and have thoroughly enjoyed it. At it’s heart it’s a turn-based isometric-grid team-battle, but considerably different from XCOM which didn’t invent the concept but did it really well and…

Crusader Kings III

I loved Crusader Kings 2. It was, incrementally, an amazing game – an utterly pointless, engrossing, medieval sandbox simulator. You could get it running in 1066 and let it go until 1453 and it would recreate “A” medieval Europe. And…

It’s been a while…

Normally I’d have littered this blog with all of my gushing excitement over the next game I was about to run: and believe me, my excitement for Legend of The Five Rings is still torrential. But this whole global pandemic…

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