Category Numenera

Numenera 9 and 10: The Creeper

This is where things get a bit more vague. I may not have the order of events down correctly, but here’s the fundamentals of what went down. Sharad, an Intelligent Nano who Leads a cult of one. Meef, a Mechanical…

Numenera 8 and 9: Below Plainsight

Oof, I fell behind. We didn’t play for a few weeks while I got this blood geyser inside of me figured out and I didn’t have the time/energy to update what was going on. So I remember session 8 reasonably…

Numenera 7: Complications

I did a bad job last session of handing out GM Intrusions. I ended up only dishing out one optional Intrusion and spinning out one natural-1 Intrusion, Meef’s Creeper. I’m trying to figure out which comes first, the good session…

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