Tag videogames

Well, that de-escalated quickly…

SWTOR will go free to play to level 50 some time later this year. This is good news for me. I liked the game, but wasn’t going to get stuck playing umpty-dollars a month to play. I’m actually eager…

The Walking Dead

Got $10? Got an XBOX360? BUY THE WALKING DEAD FROM THE GAME MARKETPLACE, EPISODES 1 & 2. Holy shit it is great. N.B. It is out for PC and PS3 too, but I’ve no idea how much it is. Chances…

When you’re a spy…

So I’ve been burning through Deus Ex with the slow burn of someone who chose the stealth game aspect of DE to enjoy. Also, I’m playing it on the hardest setting, you know, on account of how hardcore I am.…

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