Month January 2011

The Acts of the Lords of Rannick, III

Part III – Skull Crossing Dam to Fort Rannick; On the verge of catastrophe, pressing mysterious buttons. Caught in a moment of indecision as they were about to start rappelling down the face of the dam, Tersplink decided to go…

Warmachine Action 1.2.11

Mike and I got in a 35-point game of Warmachine on Sunday after some army storage and transport confusion almost doomed us to sitting on our hands and trying to referee a 2500 pt Apocalypse game between Duffin and BRose…

Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG

Star Wars: The Old Republic will be similar to other MMOs but with several key innovations. Traditionally MMOs are built on three pillars; Exploration, Combat, and Progression. We at BioWare and LucasArts believe there is a fourth pillar: Story. Our…

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